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Old 11-28-05, 07:36 PM   #6
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Apexx
A spillover thread inspired by my track about the lack of presence of a "God". I know there is no god present looking over us or caring for us simply based on the savage things that happen daily. Someone can walk into a church right now, beat a priest into a coma with his Bible, go rape a Nun and shoot the both of them in the face while both of them pray for god to save them. Where is he to save them? Young girls get raped daily. Where's god to save them?

The Bible it self states that God does not love and respect everyone equally and that some people are born inferior to others and should be enslaved, submissive and so on - THIS IS FROM THE BIBLE AND I CAN SHOW YOU! There is no God to save you. He's either gone, or dead. Your helping hand is at the end of your own arm.

Do you think god is supposed to be some little man sitting on a cloud with a 'priest in trouble' alert going off?

Here is a small essay I wrote up a week ago explaining god.

When we think of the universe, what usually comes to mind is the endless void of space that surrounds us. But is it really endless?

Science teaches us that the universe is infact slowly spreading out and growing bigger. This is the reason for the 'Big Bang' theory, where if we were to trace back to the beginning of the universe all matter that has made progress in spreading out would ofcourse be condensed back into its origional form. Meaning that it had to start somewhere.

But the question is, what exactly was there BEFORE the condensed matter all of a sudden exploded and created this big bang? And why exactly did it happen?

These questions, are essentually unanswerable. However there are feasable theorys that explain possibilitys as to how this all works. There is a known theory that the universe works on cycles, creating a loop effect where all matter begins at the highest extremity of condensation, meaning ALL matter is squashed into a tiny point, then explodes and expands as the universe is born, and finally reaches an apex where, following a fundemental rule in physics "Everything that goes up, must come down" it slowly begins to condense again untill it reaches the beginning of a new cycle and starts off with a new big bang. To give a clearer explenation, here is a diagram:

These cycles create a reality that explains the eternal or infinite nature of the universe. However, one might then come to the straight up question of "why?". Why is there this reality? Why if the matter can reach such a point of complete condensation, does it not just remain in this state? Why does all this even exist in the first place?

Thats where our good ol' buddy god comes in. Now most philosophers look at god as being an external being that created the universe and exists beyond the limits of space and time. Which is true. To an extent. However this does not explain a damn thing.. Because, if god existed outside the universe, why exactly would he have a need to create it in the first place? This is where it gets very interesting.

My conclusion, is that 'God' is infact THE universe itself. Which may sound perplexing at first, however if you follow the evidence and understand the reason, its actually a very feasable conclusion. The universe essentually exists as the imaginative build-up inside THE mind of god. This not only co-insides with the universal theorys, but it also completes them.

Look at the universe in terms we can understand, humans are said to be created in god's image. The birth of a human concience begins ofcourse in a very simplistic stage, it can obviously be related to a buildup or 'expanse' of cell's generating a brain in its most simple form. Like, before there was nothing, now there is existance.

In this same way, the mind of god is born at the beginning of the universal cycle and everything in it begins to expand first at an extreme rate, then as time goes on it slows down and at a certain point, like that of humans, it slowly begins to deteriorate and condense back down untill it inevidibly dies. This, in effect, answers the 'why?' of our universe.

We exist within a concieved reality inside the transendant imagination of god himself. The universe is, for lack of a better description, God.


Now this essay ONLY scratches the surface. I have a vast amount of writings and revelations on time, the mechanics of the universe, metaphysics and a load of related stuff I've written.. But without making you read tons of stuff, this is probably all you need to know.

Everything happens for a reason. Knowledge is not to be created, it is to be unlocked. If someone was to kill a priest and a nun, know it would have happened for a distinct reason and the next occurance in that time field happens due to this first occurance. Cause and effect.

If a little girl is raped. She might grow up to become a doctor specialising in helping other young girls who are going through what she went through as a child. Yet there are unlimited possibilitys of reason and conclusions.

Everyone is not created equal. Because everyone has a different journey through life set out for them. Life is about learning and experience taken in in preperation for the afterlife. The soul is immortal, our physical mass is like training wheels, or pre school for our concience. You may not believe in god, but you do believe in the universe. And science teaches us god can be related to a perfect supercomputer...(call it a mac if you really must)....

But the idea is, that everything works in harmony throughout this world because everything is set out in a number of laws. Each occurance is scripted, but (having eaten from the tree of knowledge, or realistically, having evolved into a brain so complex we understand right from wrong) the way we choose to respond to each occurance in our lives determines the entire future of occurances.

Its really simple when you think about it. Life is just one big mathamatical equasion....

Now I could go on and on and on forever about every single reason for my conclusions and bringing up large amounts of other theorys, but I have to do a shit.... So BRB
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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