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Old 11-28-05, 08:41 PM   #24
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Compose
1: I dont believe everything in the bible or what others say God really said because nobody knows God personally...I believe you choose your own destiny BUT he knows everything you're gonna do for instance you have a choice if you want to buy a car or not, if you buy a car...he knows everything that will happen relating to that after that, and if you dont, he knows everything after that etc. etc. and you'll have choices, you can pick the choices but he'll know whats gonna happen, thats what I believe.

2: People like you are the reason we have wars over bullshit like this, when it comes to religion everyone gets all defensive just keep the shit to yourself, you have NO proof there isnt a god, show me proof there isnt a god...oh somebody kills a shitload of people in a church, that doesnt mean there isnt a god that just means a bunch of people were killed, and at the same time, I have NO proof that god does exist...i believe what i believe, you believe what you believe, but when you start tellin people theyre wrong and you keep trying to prove to them that, it just gets people not mad but others get sensitive and shit when it comes to this type of shit, just leave it alone and stop trying to prove something you cant prove, and I cant prove it either.

1: I understand you feel that way, but God states that your life was PLANNED OUT. As in written form start to finish. You have no choice and no opportunity to deviate from the course according to God, so which is it? Prayer, or Plan? At least one of them is obviously untrue seeing that they're both complete opposites of one another.

2: Who ever said God dosen't exist? I said god isn't HERE. REad the opening statement of this thread, because you're going off into the existance of god and all this - I'm saying that god isn't present.

And on that note, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You feel how you feel and refuse to see otherwise and that's fine. This isn't the thread for you. You're trying to convince me, but I'm not trying to convince you. I'm asking questions and looking at facts that are proven and verified, vs hearsay with no ecidence, witnesses or any other form of proof other than what some miscellaneous person wrote on some scrolls. If that's enough for you to accept it as true, then more power to you.

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