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Old 11-28-05, 09:02 PM   #29
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Compose
I said I dont believe in the bible word for word =/

How do you know what to believe?

Originally Posted by Nostradamus

Your saying, that in a thread trying to disprove the existance of god... A post theorising about the existance of god is irrelevant..

See this is why I'm calling ignorance...
Now you can banter on all day about this and that of what the bible says... But the thread topic is still "is anyone out there?" and you state very clearly..

This is ofcourse one of the main reasons I made my post... To answer this.

This is talked about and related to the extract from my theory in my post.

This is talked about and related to the extract from my theory in my post.

While I dont quote the bible or make much reference to it. (and believe me, I could have)... This is answered in my post aswell..

So you see...
Claiming irrelevance to a post that answers every question and statement posed in your innitial thread.... IS IGNORANCE.... You would have to agree with that ... right?

Lets see.. this thread discusses God in the Bible and refferences to his points of view so that we all have one common ground to communicate on and see points of one person or another person's POV. We already acknowledging that god exists, and I'll even say that his comments are in the Bible, yet you're talkign about god is in time and the universe and all this other shit that's got jack to do with shit. We're talking about a collection of information we commonly accept and use as the medium for our points of view. You're talking about your theory and your frame of mind about this and that and all this other shit. This takes nothing away from your "essay", it's just irrelevant to this. If you believe god is "out there" and you want to represent that in time and space and what not - fine. That's your theory and your opinion. I'll make a note of it.

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