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Old 11-28-05, 09:41 PM   #37
∆ P E X X
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Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Ughh thats it..

I'm not even gonna keep arguing... Dooms I hate to say it, but you are ignorant as fuck bro... And merit points?

Dont let your head grow too big.... I was looking for atleast SOME decent conversation about the existance of god (which is what this thread is about)..

All I got was ignorance and refusals to read what I had to say on this topic.... In future I'll now know exactly what to expect when replying to one of your threads.

Fair nuff. You can cry your self to sleep over the emotional damage, then realize that you're saying God exists and so have I and so's everyone else in this thread, so WTF is the problem? What could you possibly be trying to convince everyone in this thread of when we all agree that he exists? Damn son, stop being such a cry baby, wipe the tears from your eyes, and READ.

Originally Posted by The Revelation
You are questioning whether I look at both sides?

1: I know why you question Christianity, because there is so no solid evidence except for a book on if it is true.

Period. You can make up anything else you say, but that reason is why you don't believe it. 2: Also, no it doesn't mean the same thing. Things change, meanings change, and the way people think change. Also, it is a different language. It is called Latin. I have studied a little of it, and if you study any language you know that there are some words in that language that cannot be translated into an English word.

For the intelligence comment, why do you think we have English classes?

3: Also, you contradicted yourself in the last paragraph. Only, you are convinced that anything you believe is correct, and no one else is right. So really I guess the debate is pointless, because you aren't even going to think that I could be right, where as I consider it, but in the end I still believe in God. Do you even think about other possibilities, or do you just read the paragraphs and try to think of how I'm wrong and not how I might be right?

And when I said next, I was meaning let's move on to the next topic. You just didn't move on so I assumed we weren't going off the subject.

1: that's half the reason. The other half is that evidence points AGAINST the participation of a God helping ANYBODY. Statistically, people who pray stand the identical chance of healing/recovering or overcoming any obstacle as a person who dosen't pray, and you can excercize this right in the comfort of your own home right where you're sitting.

2: Nope. "The Bible" we've been reffering into and out of this entire time isn't written in Latin my friend, it's written in Olde English, which is an offshoot of the english that magistrates royalty, etc at the time spoke, and used throught the King James editions of the Bible. Not Latin. That's an entire DIFFERENT bible that not one of us here has quoted or even discussed since, so where are you getitng this from? I notice every time I ask "where are you getting this from" you don't ever reply. Why?

3: I take everything you said into consideration, since I'm ASKING QUESTIONS. Just that none of it is convincing since there are no facts. Most of your rebuttals are based on "maybe" and "I believe", when I'm trying to ask about facts you can prove. If you cna't prove it, I won't believe it, and that's all there is to it. Not accepting hearsay in the face of a complete lack evidence makes me ignorant?? I thought that gave me "logic". The same logic one uses to decypher truth from a lie. But if that's "ignorance" lmao, ok, I'm ignorant.

Originally Posted by Compose
Some of it was passed down, and said in everyday life like dont kill people steal etc. bullshit like that, I just believe if you truly have a good heart god will know this and that will in the end get you into heaven, you dont have to be perfect or follow the bible word for word to show your faith, like Rev said its just like my judgement I believe thats what it is, just because some old guy at the vatican says this is what were supposed to believe doesnt mean ill believe it =/, im not even a christian, i wasnt baptised, i just believe in Jesus cuz it was passed down like that essentially, and I dont feel like spending time studying other religions when I think theyre all the same, whether you believe in buddha, jesus, whatever as long as you're a good person you'll live a good afterlife, thats what I think...=/

dosen't the bible say that God is a vengeful God? Didn't he smite 2 cities back to back and unlease a series of plagues? That sounds liek someone who's really not kidding when they tell you to do or not do something. I'm not saying you're dumb or anything, I'm asking how it is that you came to that belief when there's so much evidence to the contrary?

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