Thread: Abortion
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Old 11-30-05, 08:14 PM   #4
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Natural killa
No...I disagree with this part,

Say for example..
A single 38 yr old mother,with 2 kids of her own..gets pregnant to a guy who can isn't finicially(or trustworthy enough) capable of supporting a family on his own.She has 2 jobs..BOTH far away.Which means she has to travel every morning and back.

SHE has to get an abortion.

Becuz she can't afford to have her stomach get all big and have all the side-effects of pregnancy.If she does,how would she be able to support her 2 kids?Who's gonna pay rent and buy all the neccessities for her and her kids?
She ain't gonna be able to go to work while being pregnant...and she's single,with no husband to help.And the guy who she got pregnant with isn't able to support her.

So bassically...actually having the child is hard.
Not just raising it after it's born...

That's bullshit. It costs no money to put a kid up to adoption. It costs no money to leave a baby at a hospital, fire department, etc. Financial problems may stop parents from being able to keep a baby, but I don't think it justifies killing one. I never said if you get pregnant you have to raise the child yourself, and just deal with financial problems. I said abortion can only be justified in a few instances, and financial problems isn't one of them. Adoption, man. No money is involved in that.
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