Thread: Abortion
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Old 11-30-05, 08:19 PM   #8
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by strobe
With rape, having the baby could be seen as something good (bringing in a new life into world from something horrific), but I bet a majority of the times, the girl wasn't planning on getting pregnant at that point in her life and the thought of carrying a rapist's child and giving birth to it would bring back memories of the violation of her body. But then a girl could just avoid whole mindfuck of whether to have a baby or an abortion by taking the morning after pill asap and not even think about if she had gotten pregnant or not.

Personally, I'm pro-choice. It's her body, and I'm not going to say to a girl that she should have the baby when she doesn't want to. But just like you said about abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, adoption shouldn't be seen as a solution to the unwanted baby situation. You've got to wonder how often a kid that finds out they were adopted would wonder why their own biological mother/father didn't want them.

Yeah, I do agree that if girls are raped the morning after pill should be taken, but when it's not, I don't know.. I don't see how you can abort a kid. And yeah, I understand the questions that a kid may have if they were adopted, but if it were me I'd rather know that my parents cared enough about me to admit that they couldn't take care of me and let somebody who would, do it. I'd rather be satisfied knowing that the people I'm with actually give a damn about me, and are able to give me a life that I wouldn't have if my parents had either decided to just abort me all together or decide to try and keep me and raise me up in a total shit hole.
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