Thread: Who?
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Old 12-01-05, 09:29 AM   #10
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

I don't benchmark ANYONE on this site. Therefore, your "accomplishments" or LACK thereof don't move me...

The people I admire have WAY MORE, stand for WAY MORE, and are WAY MORE respected in REAL LIFE and in history. Why would anyone choose to mold themselves behind someone who is a LUNATIC that can't count.

Yesterday it was 220 + today it's 205 as someone so keenly pointed out...

YOU and this thread ARE a joke.

WHO COULDN'T post a thread about shit they've acoomplished that NO ONE ESLE has...ANYONE

It's called "WHO GIVES A SHIT"

Be decent for once in your life...Now, THAT would be admirable.
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