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Old 12-02-05, 04:21 PM   #76
technique's Avatar
Posts: 1,018
From: none of ur biz uk

why didn't extortions mum get an abortion
cuz ur raps are gay and there out of proportion
I'll knock ya sholder blades so u can't stand straight
Get motovated and try to fucking elevate
Your talking smack but thats what i'd expect from a crack
I'll rip ur back off for making ya wack tracks
I spit with agression ur just a whore n a lesson
when you die bitch im'a be takin all ya possesions
You are the gayest hurb to come across here
so do ur self a favour quit rapverse you queer
I know my words hurt cuz they chop u into peices
spreading deseases till this chump Freezes
You got some nerve trying to act hard
but bitch you ain't gonna shine like a star
I'll leave ya nuts attached to my bars
and leave ya dead like i dragged u naked in a car
You don't have shit 2 say put ur mic away
cuz u ain't gonna need it your shit is gay
little Faggot got no crew he's got no Hope
mess ya life up more by smoking that dope
and die from it I wanna fucking see it
don't try to be an emcee cuz u can't be it
I'll leave ya bain rattled u wish u never battled
do something ur good at like building a sand castle
You really are dumber then I actually thought
im only dissing you cuz im doing it for sport
adleast your getting taught that your a whore
the bitch can't rap cuz his voice is to poor