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Old 12-04-05, 12:45 AM   #13
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Yo, I dont know what its like in america so I wont speak on that, but over here, I get pissed off as fuck. Aborigionals get given more fucking rights than we do and all most of em do is sit around sniffing peterol and being bush bums anyway...

There was a university doctors final exam a year or so ago where the marks you had to get were something like 97% to get in. Some dickhead aborigional girl scored something like 75% and she got in.. And this other white dude scored just under 97% (like 96.8%, that sorta thing) and he got knocked back, ofcourse. But that created an uproar that they are letting bad doctors in JUST because they are minoritys. Aborigional children get PAID to go to school, they get given benefits UP THE ASS for shit like home buying, universitys etc etc etc...

Minoritys have EVERY chance to come up and make something of themselves just like every normal white person does. WE LIVE IN POOR AREAS TOO, WE COME FROM BAD FAMILYS TOO, YET WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR SUPPORT?????????

Mother fuckers act like if the government doesent spoon feed them their entire race will crumble.. Basic fact is, MINORITYS WANT EQUALITY, THEN WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY GET GIVEN SPECIAL RIGHTS OVER US.

Boom. Answer that.

Yeah, same type of shit JUST HAPPENED in my school. My english teacher hands out a standardized test and before I even opened I knew I wasn't going to take it. When I was filling in personal information one of the questions was something like, "What race are you? (Based on your racial backround this test may lead to an opportunity to a scholarship) Choices = White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Plus three other shits that I don't remember"

It's just like.. what the fuck is that? It's so fucking retarded.
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