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Old 12-04-05, 06:42 PM   #144
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

There is no real point of this comparison...

Ok, I live in the U.K and listen to BOTH U.S and U.K rap, mainly being underground from both...both have good hip-hop and both have bad hip-hop, so there is no way you can generalise either one as being good - Which one is better? Well this is open for debate, and it will be hard for people to give unbiased views as many of us will have personal prefrences for whatever reason and will judge unfairly just because of little reasons such as accent, living in that same nation.....

So what the fuck is the point of arguing?

To the point though, U.K hip- hop does have alot of garbage and so does U.S hip-hop....but U.K's can be more easily seen simply because promoters like Channel U will accept ANYTHING to show, as long as the person is rapping and has a video for it....

But if people listen to the real U.K hip-hop they will find that there is a lot of talent around....people like Jehst, Klashnekoff, Kyza, Tommy Evans, Gensis Elijah, etc. it is hard to deny they are not talented as emcees even if you are an American...

Same with U.S hip-hop there is a lot of garbage (50 Cent) but then you have great diversity and once again a lot of talent mainly in the undergroud....Immortal Technique, Chino XL, Copywrite, Vakill, Necro, Apathy, Grafh, Diabolic

People need to be open-minded and appreciate the real hip-hop on both sides...I don't see accent as being a problem because I listen to U.S hip-hop a lot being from the U.K so some of these ignorant American fuckers need to quit being bitches...and vice versa

In terms of diversity of the real hip-hop, the U.S is def ahead - but that can simply come down to the fact the U.S has a much larger population

In terms of production, the U.S is ahead in terms of creativity and quality...but this is a generalisation, there are still good U.K hip-hop producers and you could easily argue that the U.S is better simply because it has more producers in the first place...

Lyrically......what's the fuckin point of arguing on this - both sides have good lyricists, and no U.K rappers do not use better rhyme scheme (whoever said that, Leady). It is hard to prove anything like this, and that is not true....there are great U.S lyricists, and same is true for the U.K....but once again, there are more U.S lyricists that would be considered great simply because the U.S has a larger population....

Now I was comparing the more real hip-hop (underground), if you go mainstream the U.S is still ahead especially in terms of production - The 'mainstream' U.K beats do not even compare to a lot of the mainstream U.S beats, having said that U.K rap is only just starting to go mainstream...but even lyrically, mainstream U.S rappers are generally better....


now Fuck arguing and appreciate both
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