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Old 12-04-05, 11:37 PM   #1
B.I.G.'s Avatar
Posts: 1,111
+Common Passion+


Long Time, no siege...

So amazing, my passions race through a maze to chase me
the placing of a crazy face on a genius, I'm the best eire, face it
a musician and a don with apassioned musings, and uses this
the music chooses me to abuse and use the fusion and confussion
giving breath to a mutation that's been in reservation till creation talks
recover from a wrong site placing for a plantation, station for Ax Dogg
my lfe is recondite and I reconnoitered it for your recourse
I reconsidered myself, Like a Jedi Knight I'll use the force
My protection can't be afected by any nation, I'm the bastion
Got the last on fashion, I'm the representation of a common Passion
Ax tracks the enemy back the the traps In more than a thousend laps
and a thousend miles are left into files while the dogg survives trials

----I told ya, Ax would come stronga---


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