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Old 12-05-05, 12:46 AM   #39
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

yeah, we have IB... but anyways
Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
ok... ur point????? (thats not wat i was stating) but are we suppose to feel sad for the inferior race and help them out at our own cost???? "biologically" speaking, it would make no sense to be doing wat we are doing

...... but i was more saying that whites "advanced"/"evolved" more in very metaphysical terms

argh, i wasnt trying to make a point out the inferior race myself, you just used that in your previous argument, that by being for affirmative action you are labeling minorities an inferior race, and by thinking that that somehow means they should be extinct, and i just pointed out that u contradicted yourself like woah because you yourself earlier labeled them as inferior

but w/e, im done
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