Thread: Paki
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Old 12-05-05, 06:11 PM   #23
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by Compose
^Its in the persons opinion, someone can say paki cuz they dont feel like saying the whole word and they dont have to be racist...the same way you say brit, you dont mean it, but just because someone says paki dont mean theyre racist.

And paki's/indians, etc. should not be classified under Asian...Asian is like korea,japanese, chinese, etc. everyone with slanted eyes and shit (yes they have slanted eyes wtf else am i gonna explain them with), people get mad protective over shit so theyll be all oh you're racist for sayin slanted eyes etc. =/

Go read every single post I have made - Just because a person says Paki it does not mean they are racist, but if they know it is used racists but say it not be racist themselves then they are being stupid...

But most people use that term to be racists here in England anyway...I should know - you won't find the common person using that term, they know it is politically incorrect...

As for the second part, well Pakistan and India are part of the Asian continent - and here in the U.K we are referred to as Asians and no one has a problem with it it is a much more appropriate term than Paki...
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