Thread: Arising Spirits
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Old 12-06-05, 12:14 PM   #1
A Life Of Chryme
Posts: 5,019
From: Boston
Arising Spirits


The Take Over

Softly arising from the pillows warmth comforting my gentil skin
Blankets wrapped tight around my body submerged I am within
Drastically impatient, covers ripped far from my stagnant body
Though I have not moven, spirits within have entered me oddly
Frightened by these actions, percaution is taken at every cost
Hands caressing my closed eyes shivering, afraid to accost
Shaken by my shriek I feel alone, all spirits evacuated subtley
Removing myself from the bed, Walking scared I am utterly
Brushed with a quick wind I notice spirits are again conjured
Whirling wind around my face, these notions of ghosts r absurd
My voice heard, spirits gather at my feet and begin the kidnapping
Resisting physical altercation, bleeding occuring due to lip chapping

The Super Human

Possesion has been complete, I am immortal free to roam earth
Memories deleted vastly from the moment of my own birth
Unable to be harmed by others, I can only create my own death
Healing occurs on its own, I have no longer need for my breath
Equipped with firearms to destroy intruders, unable to be seen
Cloaking ability offered as a tribute to my life being swept clean
Armor implanted over my flesh, so battlewounds wont do damage
Nitrious Oxidide presented, fastly moving w/out crashing..ill manage
Peripheral Vision annointed site seeing will elevate my kill count
Predicting a world take over, body pile ups deserted in big mounts
Shield powered up, ready to deploy pain on those who come my way
Nitrious Oxide filled up, ready to take the streets and conquer the highway

World Domination

One hour completed enhanced fight mode, no defense acquired from them
Caught all the pedestrians, took their lives then disturbingly hung them
Quickly dominating 4 Continents the World Army has finally taken notice
Populations of cities completely asleep from being fed plants of lotus
Death no longer fun to give, the rest will calmly be left to rest in piece
Sickening to watch my family suffer though im down to my last niece
Determined to own the world I continue with the man slaughter technique
No solution for my own drowsiness, its unknown how I will get sleep
Back to my shooting spree pedestrians being shot by lasers
No mercy for the innocent, for all must die no one will be the savior
Empty land and craters only thing left from my painfull destruction
But now its time to sleep, when I wake we will start the reconstruction

All Alone

World Dominated, no defense was made by the last soldiers standing
Asleep I fall, falling apon the ruggid ground on my detnator I was landing
Detnator destroyed, I can not destroy thy self to end lonliness and hunger
I must go through eternities hungry and by my self is how I will suffer
The one way to end my life has been destroyed, I am stuck for ever more
Conciously confused, troubled by my lonesome self empty to the core
Complete with thoughts of escaping this disaster, My mind draws a blank
No harm could possibly be done, Not even from a jagged Shank
Wondering why spirits chose me to terminate the world I live in
To late to turn back, can't relive it...Im ready to just give in
Spirits unwind, suddenly relieve me from my emotional pain
Left as a normal human But still by myself I still remain
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