Thread: Paki
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Old 12-06-05, 01:40 PM   #28
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
This is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read..

You talk about paki not being an abreviation of pakistani, but you give absolutly no reference to what it really is. And by logical assumption Paki is the first 4 letters of pakistani therefore it is a shortened version.

And whether or not it has been used in the past as a derrogatory term, it in no way can be related to the word nigger. Nigger is classafied as a disparaging term for a dark skinned race derrived from the french word neger for 'black person', it has actual meaning and is not an abreviation.

Paki, while it is believed to be a disparaging term and is classafied as 'offencive slang'. He is compleatly correct that it is nothing more than an abreviation and carries the same weight in conversation as 'aussie' for an Australian, or 'windy' for a person from the west indies. The only time someone should get offended by this term is when it is used in an offencive mannor. If someone says "I was jus chillin with a few of my paki mates" ...How the fuck is that offencive?

You cannot put this word in the same classification as nigger and anyone who does is looking for an excuse to winge when it is not warrented.

And dont let me catch you trying to say its not an abreviation again either. Becuase its right there in the dictionary. "[Short for PAKISTANI.]"

You have to be blind to to look at the word Paki and not realise that it is OBVIOUSLY an abbreviation of Pakistani - I was not denying this, I was rather pointing out that its use of purpose here in the U.K is not as a shortened version of the fuller word to describe a Pakistani, but rather as an offensive term...understand?

I never said it could be related to Nigger - just quote me saying that in fact, I was actually responding to the argument that it is not offensive if it is not said in an offensive way...though this may be true, (people use Nigger all the time, even black people have embraced the word to describe themselves) I still do not think the case is as simple as that....same with Paki in that sense, because it has for a while not been used to describe Pakistani but is more of a racist term, so just because a person may say it in a nice way, why should it still be used?

Paki may be on the face of it, an abbreviation however you cannot classify it in the same category as Aussie, or Brit, because of the history and context of which this word is commonly used - rather than you dictating in an idealistic way what is right and what is wrong, why don't you go ask Pakistanis if they like this term?

I guarantee you 99% in the U.K will say no, because of the fact this word was used to insult and not as an abbreviation...the purpose is different to what the word actually is, and if you read my post I actually mentioned this - so if we Pakistanis do not like this word (because of the reasons I have mentioned) then who the fuck are you to use this term to describe us? Understand my point....?

I never put it in the same category as Nigger, hence why I even mentioned that I knew the difference in terms of history between the words....and I have already mentioned why I made my comparison....if I was like you, I could easily argue why a black person should find nigger offensive, if it is not said in an offensive way...

The fact is, that would be totally disregarding the history of the people do not like that word because it was used to insult them...Pakistanis don't like Paki in the U.K because it is a deragory term and was used to insult why should either accept the word? This is regardless of Paki being an abbreviation, because as I mentioned earlier Paki was never used as a substitute to be an abbreviation for Pakistani, but was rather a term used to insult Pakistanis...when a normal person uses the word knowingly, it is not something a Pakistani will once again

Instead of being a bitch and arguing in favour of the user, why don't you argue for the victims? If we don't like this word...then who the fuck are you to use it?

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