Thread: Paki
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Old 12-06-05, 01:47 PM   #30
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by One Man Band
oh my god, what fucking dumb argument.

Pakistanis are idiots if they are offended by the term paki. I mean for fucks sake. "You're a paki." ... no matter how its said, if I was from pakistan i'd go, "yeah... I am... what about it?"

It WOULD be offensive, however, if someone were to say "those fuckin pakis are always terrorists" or "Yeah he stole a TV, but what do you expect from a paki." But that in no way makes the term paki a racist term. Its just a way to refer to pakistanis. What is racist is the surrounding clauses.

No you are wrong...

Youre are an idiot for not understanding the way this word was used - ONLY people who wanted to insult Pakistanis, and try to look down upon them used Paki...and this is still the case today, so why should Pakistanis accept a term that is used to insult them?

No it is not a way to refer to Pakistanis - hardly anyone but racist bigots use that word in the U.K, and because of that if you said it in front of a Pakistani, they would think you are insulting them...................SIMPLY BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THE TERM IS USED...understand? So how can you blame them....?

Come to the U.K, it is easy to type sitting near your computer and approaching everything idealistically, completely ignoring the reality...ask a Pakistani here if they like this term....and if you really feel in the mood, go to a place where a group of Pakistanis are out and about, just call them it, and see what happens.......

If its just a way to refer to Pakistanis then why is it, only racist motherfuckers supporting the BNP use it? Unfortunately, this word was initially embraced by the racist motherfuckers, and they used it to their advantage so to offend fuck you, I'm not accepting it...and I don't like the tone of your post, so don't complain about what you get in return...
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