Thread: Paki
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Old 12-06-05, 04:46 PM   #39
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by Daubs
To a certain extent.

I just dont like the asian community as a whole in oldham.

Individuals are safe, in groups they twats. Whites can be too, but they dont make white no-go areas.

Still, you really think BNP is the answer? Do you know how corrupted they are in their views?

The arguments that these racists thugs in suits make actually hold no basis, they distort the truth and twist it in a way so that people like you are mislead - They are not only against Asians, but even blacks and all these other 'foreigners' basically 'non-whites'....

Stop these motherfuckers,

Blaming the other ethnic group is the easy way out...I am sure in your area, whites blame asians and asians blame whites - really, both groups are responsible for the tension and what goes on...supporting the BNP will only make matters worse, it will solve no problems....
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