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Old 12-06-05, 10:07 PM   #7
47.29" of Zigs
my alliance is with ganja
Posts: 780
From: gallatin mo

Originally Posted by Apexx
The cycle of Beef on this site goes exactly like this:

• Person A: Says/does something that expresses their opinion in a phrase anything to the effect of "I".
• Person B: gets mad, throws their keyboard through the monitor, curses, punches their mom in the stomach and vows to get revenge every waking moment of their life on RV.

• Person A: goes about their life not really giving two shits about how someone else feels about their opinion or even remembers the name of this person they so horribly offended by disagreeing with them. They post up what ever they post up, etc.
• Person B: follows this person all over the board, may even PM them, drops some obvious beef-flavored votes in what ever battles they got open, does the same for any Tracks/Audios/OM's they got open, then will go OUT OF THEIR WAY to intentionlaly agree AND magnify ANYTHIG at all that could or is said against that person.

And all for what? Like...what's the point? There's members here perpetuaing "beef" over some skrait up trivial shit - why?

sounds like someones emotions are getting hurt over the internet.

sounds like your crying about it your on sum str8 up dr phil gay shit mayne

proud owner of a 47 inch cock


Originally Posted by Kings
concidering that i've got compliments from girls off of rv from that pic makes me wonder where your pictures are.....

Originally Posted by .Diabolic.
Oh and lk I got a serious question 2 ask u baby from me 2u. Will u marry me and be my wife, and the mother of my kids and all?

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