Thread: Drakel vs Daubs
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Old 12-07-05, 08:45 AM   #3
Daubs's Avatar
Posts: 10,604
From: Salford

your verse is like your avy..and i dont mean repulsive
obviousely it will dragon after 20 lines of your bullshit
Your lanky,deranged,spotty,big headed AND a fat fuck
shit, now ive run out of words to describe your bad looks
a week to check in, but still we'll see who comes best
cause now maybe you can atleast think up your own concepts
you see, every line you spits weak and already been done
so why wish me GL in the checkin, YOUR the one that needs some
your not near the best, or a challanger to anyone nice
i mean, your PLL ranks the closest your coming to 9th
Your like a vampire, only come on at night..dont doubt that
cos when it comes to gethering the best, NO-ONE counts drak
canadian, so your infrared and the white, demise the hate
cause i'll give a match your black eyes mate
try to gimme a bruise but cry when you lose,this bitch is mine
cos ofcourse drakels vintage, all he does is winge and wine
Kelis a name i coulda married, but you fuckin ruined it dude
you went and joined living legends, and fuckin ruined that too
cant get no luck and no wins, no wonder your abusive you joke
you struggle making the lists of people who USED to be dope