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Old 12-08-05, 05:08 AM   #38
Posts: 190
From: interesting

Voted For: Wicked One

personally i think this is a bit of a weak battle. heres the breadkdown:

W.O: your opener was ok, half decent punch, on target but not massively impressive.
Closer: was ok, good punch small but effective.
overall: the punches were ok but i saw a lack of creativity with metaphors and wordplay, or even amusing lines. Im sure you can and have done a lot better in the past but for now it was easily enough to take the win.

Snipes: you give us "new" peeps hope, your verse was not great, the lines were stretched -badly and the structure and flow of the verse was made really difficult because of this. The punches were incredibly weak and the rhyming and vocab was very basic. Sorry to be a killjoy but i would be very surprised if you get a single vote in this battle