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Old 12-09-05, 09:00 PM   #1
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Posts: 7,459
Technology, and The Future.


YEh, so I was watching this program the other night, and it was fairly recent. It was talking about echnology in 20 years time. It said that everything we have have will be fully interactive, computers will be faster blah blah blah, And I was ike, well, duh? Thats so Obvious.

I remember bieng told once, about the first computer in England, No Idea What the date was so I'm going to say 70's. This computer was huge, the size of a full room, and had basic typing commands etc. And The Guy who showed people said "Well, we believe that in about 15/20 years time, there will be around 8 of these in the country."

How Far Has Technology advanced since then. By 2020 I Hope they have Neural Nanonics or something along those lines.

And Yeh, REffering to the future. How Long Do You think it will be before man colonises another planet. Because it's obviously going to happen. And If not colonisation, at least regular space travel.

I guess that could a realllly long time though, since they'r still spending millions each flight.

But yeh, I totally want to be cryogenically frozen. Or something along those lines.

.The Council
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