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Old 12-10-05, 03:57 PM   #54
Middle Weight
Posts: 648

Voted For: Jack Da Rizzle

You suck on this acount & the others, so step back dick
Ya Jack Rackam acount is a pirate I know you arrrrrr mitey! wack bitch
Talk smack kid? You PM Spek for votes, you're gay and it's true
So fucka PM! Since I can whore you in the AM too
'Honeycomb' your hair, get a new dew, befo' I make ya plea n' cry
He's rusty as fuck, so even if this fake 'Posts' his verse
...we won't cereal lines
..Nope,kinda forced
I feel fine killing my friend, came to RV again? Go back and hide
& when I peeped your alias I could see ya DV8, towards RV's wack side!
You lack pride, get craked & die, win this battle and own the polls
Daz can't hold his own
...i'll beat Austin 316 times and leave his body stone cold

Dog really, we never battled before...? so just ask Y,
i mean thats the only thing that comes between how ya b(y)e,
...No,Wtf is this?
n yes, i party without you, thats why im missing the joke,
think you speak with a golden flow... ?
.................. naw, thats just me pissin down ya throat,
Josh's thinkin Austin's a tex-as, tryin to discredit my heat now,
but everyone seizure wacked... an epileptic gettin a beatdown,
...Too technical
yo, this wimps crap with ryhmes: i'll leave'm gaspin for days,
cuz he imp-acts with lines... but only by casting fairies in plays,
so ya jack'd-a rizzle.? see, theives get smacked back a little..
get mixed in the middle, wont reign cuz now jacks-a-drizzle,....

Ok,JTR got this,Daz was too technical and had forced shit.His best line was the Jacks-A-Drizzle line,the rest was shit.Some had potential,like the seizure line.But wtf @ eptidemic beatdown shit?Too technical.

Vote-Jack the Ripper