Thread: Mag for week 11
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Old 12-13-05, 02:50 PM   #3
Coming to Kill you All
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Finished Recap

17. J-Money vs. 18. Gotti Nuffguns
this bitch tried to change his password to "penis" but it got rejected quick
the "word entered was too short" you should........
Originally Posted by Gotti Nuffguns
Chiggity Check.

.....tha size of ya dick
I'm 'Living-Cool' Ya Teeth Are Gettin-Dent !! Im 'Rippin-Fool'
Spittin Thru Ya 'Liver-Pool', Shift Ya Ribs And Make Ya Ab-Sent, Like 'Missing-School!!

I didn't this battle much.J-Money came cheesy as fuck.That password to penis/too short thing was posted on the site already in a thread in Lyrist Lounge.I think it was by Barz of Steel.But Gottie Nuffguns lost,which was probably because he's banned.Which he should have been long time ago too.Because that muther fucker has bitten every single verse that he's posted on the site.And he probably bit that bar up there as well.Fuck Gotti Nuffguns!!


19. Daubs vs. 20. Nick Fletcher
Shut up. your tongues busy you shouldnt be able to shout us..
cause the tree does its job....the same job a your mouth does.
daubs is homeless with nowhere to hide from me, dude ya gone get pounded,
fact is i could whoop ure ass in the streets, even if you was grounded.

Good battle here.Nick came with a homeless type of punch,with a little wordplay in it,which was ok.Though we've all seen better from him.Daubs came with a personal,playing off one of nick's qoute where he said "i'm on a trip so my xmas tree sucks ass..".Daubs could have worded his shit a LITTLE better though.But it didn't really matter,as in the end,Daubs came away with the win,which I thought was the right outcome.

Winner: Daubs

21. TrooP vs. 22. Narc-Uzi
You talk Like you Hot..But your not.....Narc Stop ya Fakeing
You think u a Boss?..But ya Battle Losses match ya Ranking
The only nigga on your dick troop is a Jar Nick-Named Vasoline
Troop wont Last in this Leage like that Nigga Doing the Magazine

I predicted troop to win this.But man,did he suck here.That mother fuker came wack as fuck.Narc has 6 losses and his ranking is 22.So how in the fuck does his losses match his ranking?Fake Personals are gay.And also,fakeing and ranking?Shit didn't even rhyme.Troop is gay for posting that bar.On the other side though........Narc's first line,with the vasoline shit was corny..but his punch was good.Easy win here for Narc-Uzi.


23. Theory vs. 24. KOOL COL-B

Ya no pimp spicca, give a girl ya number & watch you fall G
Strop trying to get bitches to be with you, they'll never Col-B
ayo im sonnin u bitch, i hope y aready 2 dine
git a sex change then git a hammer n break ya spine

Theory got banned,for cheating in his battle against Cezar.Where he voted for himself on his alais,Distilled.But he still got his JTR alias to post.And Well,in this battle..,Jack made a punch,in which Col is pronounced as call.And really,it isn't.His name is pronounced Kool-Coal-B,not Kool-Call-B.So that's borderline fake personal on JTR's part.Kool-Col-B did come weak,but his shit at least made sense.I don't think there's a term saying you'll coal someone..
But the voters still gave Jackie the win,which shouldn't have happened in my opinion.Colby should have won.

Winner: Theory/JTR

25. One Mic vs. 26. Aimez
4-3 record??? most wins from no-shows? its strange when you say that you're blessed
you got no place on RV...................
...................................if you cant even get your punctuation correct!
You Speaking Back On Yo Word So Niggas Know You Talk Curly
My Punchez Are Predestined To Kill Thats Why You dropped early

Decent battle here.One Mic's punch was stretched.His first line didn't need all that shit about his record and no-shows.And I wasn't feeling the 3 line thingy,But his shit was still an ok diss.Aimez played off the fact that One Mic dropped early.In my opinion,I felt as though his punch didn't diss in any way.And it was kinda lame.Like,so what if your shit is pre-destined to kill?If that was true,then it wouldn't matter if he dropped late or early,as it'd still kill.And if I don't see One Mic getting dissed by Aimez saying that.Aimez came wack.But,the voters felt differently from me,as Aimez came out with a win that he shouldn't have.

Winner: Aimez

27. E.C vs. 28. GreatnesS
I could be hated by RV and still be more liked than he's ever been
i mean, he's such a cellout he makes prsions look welcoming
I’ve heard all ya lines before, your droppin morse code
I’m a crossing guard, I stop kids like you by the busload

Easy call in this battle.GreatnesS came wack.His first line was decent,with the morce code thing.I'll at least give him that.But his punch was stupid.WTf kinda concept is "stopping kids like he was by the busload"?That's wack...But anyways,E.C came with a prison line.And there are hundred's of prison bars out there,but the way E.C used it has never been done before.Or at least I've never seen it done before.SO,yea..he wins.

Winner: E.C

29. Rile1 vs. 30. Apotropaic
riles only won on no shows, a challenge will leave ya with nothin to boast
the only time we get rile up, is when everybody else is to pumped to post

Apotropiac,who was once champion,is now at #30.ANd it's got to be more than coincidence,that his slip started after he lost to me :Slick: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyways,he came with a nameplay.And really,how many times has apot come with a nameplay?90% of his battles come with a nameplay.He still won this battle,for at least showing.


31. Tackdaddy vs. 32. John Hensley.
With a weak ass punch like that you have sealed your own fate
The day you beat me is when the queer eye guys go straight
ok yeah, i'm not santa but your a hoe hoe.
and this is a special line i save for no shows.

Ok,I don't know wtf is going on here.I must be missing something here,cause to looks as though John Hensley came with a no-show line.And yet,the voters still voted for him.WTF?Tackdaddy came wack,yes.He came with one of those "Day you beat is when..." type of lines.But still,his shit was at least a punch.While John Hensley didn't even attempt one.Some of them dumbass voters,voted for hensley because they though Tackdaddy came with a gay line.When in fact,it wasn't.Tackdaddy didn't call him gay or anything..He got screwed out of a win here.

Winner: John Hensley

33. ~High-Dro~ vs. 34. Past Tense
you and micheal jackson's monkey, the two of you's a couple
and i aint talkin bout ya picture when i say ur blowin bubbles
ur like "oh no brother" im ice cold so i make this froze ho shudder
im a fighter not a lover so when "it goes down" ...........
.........................................hes "fuckin scared" like "virgins with no rubber"

Ok,Past Tense came with a really played line here.And it was stretched.That 3 line method thingy is starting to piss me off too, But anyways,High Dro played off Past Tense's pic.In my opinion,HD could have came way better than that.I don't why he brought up Michael Jackson in his bar as well.That shit is cheesy and lame...Fuck High Dro for putting that wack shit
But,he still won.He punch was still better,due to Past tense played shit.

Winner: High Dro

35. ThatNigga vs. 36. Diligence

But he still wins by a no-show.


37. Common vs. 38. Kamze

Common wins,for checking in.

Winner: Common

39. Fraud vs. 40. MaRVOLOUSJay
listen fagget...i shake up vets,u got no life go da sleep wake up,text.
ya girl said u gotta put 'lips stick on ya dick' when its time 4 'makeup sex'.

Another makeup line?Wtf is this?I seen lines like this a million times.Even Spekitkul bit a make-up line last week...
..MarvJ wins this battle for showing.


41. Sobe. vs. 42. Macca
it looks like u lack motivation, lazy fuck. this whore aint hard
yep, mac's missin the drive to work.. cuz he can't afford a car

No-show win for Sobe.His punch was decent too.Shame it was wasted on a no-show.


43. Haiku Sylabis vs. 44. Premanition

Haiku Sylabis wins for checking in..

Winner: Haiku Sylabis

45. Kon.Tay.Juz vs. 46. Legend
This dudes like shitty Clothes..trapped behind closed closets..
Imma Take 'em To school, 1-5? It's obvious the "L" legend represents his Losses..
your career... As Inscripted.. is over and its not a surprise
i mean you the dumbass who wrote down your own demise

Weak battle here.Kon came a stretched out bar,with a lot of unneccasary shit.And W/L lines are a no-no.Unless your doing them creativitely off cource,which Kon didn't.So,all in all,Kon came played AND stretched in this battle.On the other side,....legend,did the unthinkable.He actually came worse than Kon.Dropping a bar that was straight up wack.If he had dropped half decent,he would have won.But I guess that's too much to ask from him.


47. SlicKnife vs. 48. Tie-D
The outcome is clear, heads will talk of you paying this price so rightly…
…till they say I killed two birds with one stone…the way I won nice AND Tie-D…!
selecting from five or six? shit you quick or its been writ, wanna be sick?
keep dippin ya dick in the kids pick and mix and get little chicks to have a lick

Ok,easy win for Slicknife here.I esspeccially liked the multi the had in there .But anyways,his punch was decent,nothing spectacular..but decent.IT's just Tie-D decided to come focused on flow,and nothing else.Just reading his shit would make your brain hurt.And even if he didn't come with that gay ass repitition of sounds...he would have still losed this battle.The mutha fucker didn't even have a concept.I don't even know what the fuck tie-d was trying to say.Hell,I don't even know if HE knows what the fuck HE was trying to say himself.

Winner: SlicKnife

49. Dex vs. 50. Mystic Chaos
i'l stop u chasing hits wen i leave you wasted bitch
you'l come away from this and flow into a drainage ditch
You suck n shit rappin feminine as if you rockin a clit
Ill smother ya tits while im smashing this pumpkin to bits

Dex came with nice multis.But no punch.Seemed more like a direct threat.Which is really pathetic.If he had at least throw a decent punch or diss along with those multis he had,then he'd have the win easy.Mystic Chaos' won this battle for at least dissing.He made one of them lines,calling the oppenent a woman.His shit could have been worded better,but,meh..he still won.

Winner:Mystic Chaos.
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