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Old 12-14-05, 02:24 PM   #12
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
u kno...i sit and think about beef between us, and I realize it doesn't really exist...

all it is, is you sayin something and me retaliating, or vice versa...

Truth many threads in the past, you've actually stood up for me when some immature prick made an ignorant remark about w/e...

That's more than I can say for alotta peeps on this site who even claim to be cool to me...

That says 1 of 2 things to me...that you're either a mature person and don't see the relevance in perpetuating ignorance, or that you had respect for what's logical and right. Either way, I respect that.

Now, I can honestly say, that when you and I were cool, I found it tight to chat wit you on AIM. If I tend to blow things out of proportion, it's because I deal with bull shit quite often. Here's what I mean. I can have people I don't even know IM'n me harassin my ass non stop. They get blocked. Or, I get those people who seem to think I'm the "GAY SPOKESMAN" and ask me all sorts of dumb ass questions. So, my patience is very, very thin. And when you or anyone else say anything that triggers past scenarios, I blow my fuse...I'm not a bad person, I just have a very short fuse. With that said, I offer a public apology for misinterpreting anything you've ever said or done in GOOD faith.

I'm not asking for your friendship. I'm not asking for your pardon. I'm not saying I was wrong in some of my views. I'm saying that you're not as bad a person as some people think, or as I've tried to make you out to be. In fact, you're the type of person I surround myself with in real life, successful business people who believe in upward mobility. Everyone I'm affiliated with in real life now is either college educated, an entrepreneur, or making something of themselves. Hangin on the "corner" is played.

U've been one of my most outspoken critics. I can agree to diagree with you. But, here and now, I'd like to say though I disagree with some of your beliefs, I respect your dedication to being independent and successful.

Has the beef ended?

Life is too damn short.

tis all


This wouldn't have anything to do with me saying I'm about to rip PSA after E-style right? Look at your sig. If you really had this ephiphany you claim to have had, or believed what you just typed up, you'd have removed that obviously anti-apexx quote in your sig a while ago. You don't fool me man. You've turned and snaked on so many people here that I have no reason at all to trust you. Knowing you clowns, you expected me to be all buddy buddy with you while you snake motherfuckers try to build up a diss track. Try again.

BTW, we never had "beef". You stop talking to me, and I'll stop talking to you. The end.

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