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Old 12-14-05, 09:12 PM   #8
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

speaking of wich, Me vs. Spul (best text battle of september award)

Dear SPuL

I regret to inform that I smash you & got your boys haltin’
Cuz how is Spul gonna face me, when his whole city is Bolton?
Bolting/Bolton, the city he lives in is bolton
We all hate you, get disowned, abandoned, left as a bum
And RV can’t help but desert you… it’s where you came from
Desert, like the sahara desert, and desert him, ya you get it
Trying to impress kids by calling me out, what’d you think…
But i’ll cancel his show since Spul always has the weakest links
this was just wack, w/e, he always ussed hyperlinks in his battle
Wack fuck, even his coach kicked him off the roster, shit
Spul couldn’t play the center of attention, and he’s got some ugly pics!
Center = center position in basketball, pics = picks, like a pick and roll (wack also)
Weak when ya post up, i’ll crack ya ankles, I got sick skills with no cure
Cuz on the court, Iraq up the points while your just part of their culture
I-rack up the points
Get fucking owned, Jack The Ripper.. infamous for killing hoes
Have ya corpse with a popped trunk, & I aint referring to your nose
Trunk like elephant trunk, I was saying I popped (punched) his big nose, and also, trunk like a popped car trunk
LOL @ msn, “Soc was dissing me in LL, Jack what do I do!?”
The kid really can’t take a joke, unless it’s from a site or two
he "bit" off a joke site, well he didn't really, but he tooks concept from it and got banned for it, it was some bs though, w/e
I can’t stress it enough, your not good, a loser, you suck with the pen
Who the fuck gets their account unbanned so they can cheat on it again?
pretty obvious hard hitting personal, he got strobe to unban his acount, then he used it to cheat
Kid always beggs me to drop feed on his songs, but the truth...
I think his audios are the perfect things... not to listen too
making fun of his audios
The kid wants to make a splash, so i’ll throw his ass off a bridge
Cuz Spul israeli wack… and I aint talking ‘bout his heritage
is really wack
Yours truly, Jack The Ripper

As you can see, most of the time my set-ups had nothing to do with the following line, wich is NOT good, my wordplay was decent, but sometimes I used wordplay where, I just used a word that sounded like something else and put it in, but when you interpret it in that other sounding way, the sentance dosn't make sense. Now I use wordplay where no matter wich way you interperate the word the sentance still makes sence.

So ya, like I said, I been elevating, and I use a double sylable rhyme scheme now.
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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