Thread: Jtr
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Old 12-14-05, 11:32 PM   #14
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

iraq lines = played.. boston concept = played.. id list more but u get the picture
No, they aren't, so go get the links, porky

yes they do, they prove ur ability to do more than just nursery school rhymes, something you obviously cant do
In text, they don't, and I have been using double sylable in my new style, makes no differance anyways

EVERYTHING i said is right
Once again porky, no it's not

no.. you suck period
I'm like top. 3 in text on RV, you don't even follow RV text so I know you're just hating cuz I defended a crew member and called you fat

i replied to this before you called me fat... well done on being retarded though, and yeah my audios suck, im still doing more offline than most of RV and would still merk most people here
That's true, you did reply before I called you fat, meh, k, I was stupid on that one, but yes I agree your audio does suck, and RV audio sucks so ofcourse you could whore most heads. Your songs aren't THAT bad (I only listened to one) But you are HORIBLE at disses and battles, and are telling me about disses and battles and how to do them, -_-, good for you, g/l offline, I hope you make it really big in rap, why would that mean anything to me? I'd still think you're gay and fat, but then again I don't know you, so meh.

how many times have i seen kids use this excuse
have you seen my battles when i was noob? They were fucking DISGUSTING, so so so so bad, and then if you read that battle you'd see the improvemant, well I did that again, and elevated once again. Fuck what you say cuz I know you know nothing about text and don't even follow it or read my battles

Heh, i'm bored and there isn't anything else to do right now, but don't expect me to answer back to your dumb posts in the future.
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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