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Old 12-17-05, 01:39 AM   #17
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Posts: 6,387

Ever hear of E Boli? It attacked suddenly because of a monkey in Africa. The reason for the sudden attack is that it transformed from being transferred from contact, to air born. By this change, a person within 5 feet or so of the infected person could contract it, and would die within a matter of days. I believe the average time was a week? Anyway, it is believed that AIDS started by a monkey, and the person that was scratched had HIV, and therefore did not know they were sick. They had unprotected sex, which then resulted in that person contracting it. So now we have two people that have it. If they share any kind of bodily fluids (excluding sweat), IE: blood, semen, saliva, etc... then they pass HIV on to that person. This happens over and over all over the US and BAM! We've got a virus that manipulates itself thus making it unstoppable. The flu shot only works on one strain of the flu, there are four. All you are doing when you get the flu shot is making that strain manipulate so make it so that vaccine doesn't cure it anymore. So in essence, HIV/AIDS will not disappear unless we find a vaccine for any strands like we did for small pox and tuberculosis, OR people stop having pre marital sex. Ya, I think the vaccine is more likely.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.
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