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Old 12-17-05, 05:02 AM   #20
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
I honestly dont even have a clue if it was man made or an evolution.
But Im leanin more towards man made because Aids relatively attacked so sudden and so wide spread.
Especially in Africa, and I have reason to believe its man made because sickle cell is man made - by cause and effect.
At first sickle cell wasnt a disease it was tested on Africans with AIDS for a cure.
Instead of curing Aids, however it warped the red blood cells.
Now in a way thats good but its bad aswell
Cos I dont think people with Sickle cell CAN get AIDS, but sickle cell is very VERY painful and it affects your growth. I know because my cousin has sickle cell anemia. His mother died from it 2 years ago - well she overdosed from drugs but she often said she did drugs because the sickle cell pain was unbearable.
And his uncle also died from it, the disease itself, he was 30 something

Yo Spanish Flu killed around 40 million in 4 years...that wasn't man made...AIDS is another the upcoming bird flu...

mother natures gettin her revenge after we've been fuckin up her land for so long

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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