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Old 12-17-05, 06:43 AM   #21
L. Veracity
You Cant Handle The Truth
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Posts: 2,281
From: in the streets fighting

personally I'm with REV on this one...

what people fail to understand is that each "strain" of the AIDS virus is different, if the DNA of the AIDS virus in person B is mapped and there's 3 other samples of the virus, scientists can map the virus and determine which sample is from person A, the person that gave person B the virus...

the AIDS virus mutates all the time even within a person who has it's body, that's why they have to take their medications on a schedule...because it supresses things long enough so that the virus won't further mutate and they get sicker than they already are...that's why people with HIV and AIDS (which some scientists actually believe are not even related to one another) still shouldn't have sex with someone else that's already infected...

some strains of the HIV and AIDS viruses are already resistant to drugs like AZT that were 1st introduced to supress the effects of the virus, just like anything else, the virus builds up an immunity to certain drugs, that's why they keep coming out with newer and newer drugs

don't let this "Darwin" shit fool you Mimesis, even he denounced his teachings before he died...evolution is proven to a certain extene because as I said, things mutate and change, that's a natural part of life...but if AIDS weren't man-made, do you honestly believe that it would'nt have been around in some form before about 25 years ago?...

I believe that our government first created the HIV and AIDS virus as a form of biological warfare and testing and what-not got WAY out of control and couldn't be stopped...but this is simply MY belief system...I think theat someone let the ball drop, didn't want to kill the person(s) that they were experimenting on because they weren't yet satisfied with results and probably thought nothing would happen, befcause AIDS and HIV progress slowly, they might've thought nothing of it then things started happening and by then it was already AAAAAALL over the damn place and there wasn't a clean up crew to come fix everything

(watch "Outbreak" and you'll understand parts of that last paragraph)

^ WE - RAWWCAST - 24/7 ^

Originally Posted by Artik Phrost
LV - real talk as usual..dope shit
you're like the best story teller over a beat

Originally Posted by PhaseOne
my whole album is inspired by you LV.
thats how i got this classic album.
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