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Old 12-17-05, 01:50 PM   #29
L. Veracity
You Cant Handle The Truth
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Posts: 2,281
From: in the streets fighting

*to Mad Dog*
Magic Johnson and a few other people have also had their virus count so low that it's undetectable, he was the 1st person to come out and say it publicly, but it's more common than you think, for pepole to have their virus count so low it's undetectable in them any more, but they still have to take their meds to KEEP it that way...and doctors recommend that you DON'T have sex with other infected people because then both strains of the virus mix and can mutate into a "super HIV" which hits you harder and faster and is basically known as a "killer" strain

far as the story, he said he didn't take any medication to control the virus, I don't care how many tests they do on him, I would still never have sexual contact with him, the body does strange things, it could come out years from now that the virus disguised itself as aother kind of cell in the body and therefore wasn't reading on their tests, I wouldn't trust it or him cuz far as I'm concerned, once positive, ALWAYS positive...but the tests also could've been reading wrong the 1st time cuz you should always get 2 tests done to see if you're positive

*to Strobe*
it's very possible that many people don't know they have HIV or AIDS, people don't WANT to know, so they don't get can have the virus for years before showing any symptoms, that's why people need to get tested, so they can stop spreading it if they do have don't know you have it until you're tested for it, and like I said above, you should be tested twice for it in case the tests read wrong and a good doctor will tell you the best case scenario for everyone in general, you should be tested about 6 months apart because sometimes that's how long it takes for the virus to show up...that's is why it's generally recommended that people who know they have many different sexual partners, should be tested every 6 months

^ WE - RAWWCAST - 24/7 ^

Originally Posted by Artik Phrost
LV - real talk as usual..dope shit
you're like the best story teller over a beat

Originally Posted by PhaseOne
my whole album is inspired by you LV.
thats how i got this classic album.
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