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Old 12-18-05, 12:27 PM   #77
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Apexx
:sigh: okay, lemme break this down for you. Mimesis, you're a rich white kid with rich white parents and grew up sheltered from a lot of the harsh realities that a lot of other people don't evne think anything of. As far as you know, the world is a just and fair place - why? Because you're rich and white! Hell yeah the world is a fair place - for you. For a lot of other people though, the reality is that their schools were shipped re-prints of books that were out of date decades ago. They get spied on when they go into convenience stores, are met with friction as soon as they go some places literally immediately. They've seen the dramatic difference in policing in one urban neighborhood vs. a suburban neighborhood and even in the local courts from one to another. I'm one of these people, and there's no concievable way that you sitting in the big house that your rich parents bought and tucked you into bed at night in could could possibly convince me that some members of my local community, police, and government are not racist. Not all, but a lot. Most of em subtely and they don't even realize that they're racist - kinda like you. You'll never in your life experience a single effect of racism, so you couldn't possibly begin to say anything about the state of racism ANYWHERE. "Racism" is something you think you see on TV and you hear about it, but you'll never in your life meet it or suffer from it like a minority would. What's racism to you, black kids cracking on you at a basketball court? racism for me was getting jumped by dudes who I've never seen or met a day in my life till they hopped out of an explorer 5 deep with bats beating the shit out of me while calling me a nigger. That ever happen to you? Nope. And it never will. I only wish that were all "racism" meant to me.

What's funny is your comment about "maybe 2%" of your school is from "the hood". That's funny because the black population in your state (Arizona) currently numbers at 2%. So tell me again exactly what the hell you know about racism? When you face it a few thousand times in your life, you learn to see it a mile away.

BTW, I explained the financial implications of how and why AIDS is used as a cog in a killing machine and showed facts to back it. Your counterargument in the face of all these facts is "black people always think the government is picking on them". What a surprise

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People who're sheltered always think blacks are just being "sensitive".

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