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Old 12-19-05, 11:37 AM   #82
L. Veracity
You Cant Handle The Truth
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Posts: 2,281
From: in the streets fighting

Apexx, I never thought about shit like that, but I'm actually thinking about printing that out so I can read it to my home girl Shamira later on since I won't be able to get back online to read it, that's definetly going into my memory banks cuz I never thought about it quite that deeply...and I even though got a track collab where my home boi was talking about how crack affected the 'hoods and I'm talking about how AIDS affected the 'hoods, in relation to the years we were born, that's part of the reason I totally agree with both your long posts in here...anyone that doesn't see the comparisson is blind and just sad

HELL yeah the white man is out to get us, they have been from the start, how da FUCK do you think we got here in the 1st damn place?! Irish, British and other "ish" people immigrated here, we were brought here in ships where the damn dogs got treated like royalty compared to our ancestors...and I don't understand why people say we're being "paranoid" or some shit, I'm the farthest from racist but REALITY is still reality...white people FUCK up everything they touch..."those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it" and even when you do, it's still gonna happen, because "nothing is new under the sun"...situations, things, times and technologies change, but people's basic motives are still the same that they've always been so the cycle will repeat itself with something else when we're all gone off the face of the planet, and PLEASE believe me when I tell you, it WILL happen again and again

so like I said, this AIDS shit was prolly started as some kind of biological experiment then they figured out what was up and LET it get outtah control like it is...20 years ago AIDS was affecting mostly upper middle class gay white males, now those highest risk for AIDS and HIV (statistically) are black males between the ages of 15 to 30, how is that not a conspiracy of many sorts?...the target group for something like this doesn't just change all of a sudden over damn night...once people "figured" shit out, it was aimed where they wanted it to be aimed at...look around poeple, and this time look with your eyes open and those rose colored shades off

^ WE - RAWWCAST - 24/7 ^

Originally Posted by Artik Phrost
LV - real talk as usual..dope shit
you're like the best story teller over a beat

Originally Posted by PhaseOne
my whole album is inspired by you LV.
thats how i got this classic album.
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