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Old 12-20-05, 11:39 AM   #13
::...JusT bLaZe...::
Posts: 260

Originally Posted by Viva
thats stupid as fuck. ur sayin everyone who lives in poor areas n uses slang has to be black!!? ur just bringin ur own race down. If a white man lives in a ghetto and uses the commonly used slang words of his area, and wears baggy clothes but doesnt like hip hop, hes just been socialised that way. does that make him a wigger? Also if a white guy wears all preppy clothes, doesnt use slang but comes from a ghetto and raps, is he a wigger!?

I love the way you take the things I say, and re-word them and twist them into a way that Proves me wrong, Thats cool....Can you teach me how to do it?

Your an aight bitch B.

but I cleary didnt say anythin about ''poor areas''.....Yes I said slang, cause before us black folk and our ''slang''....The whiteman never wanted to ''disgrace the english language'' with ebonics.

and I like the way you forgot to mention about white kids wearin saggy pants, timbos and chains and shit (clothes in general)...

..I Smoke..A Large Portion Of Cheeba...My Gun Games Sick...Like A Cough And A...Fever

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