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Old 12-20-05, 12:07 PM   #4
Posts: 77

Uh Oh...

Yo, Its christmas, But I aint gonna hail shit
You come across me... And Ill be sure to nail you to it
Wack fuck, I jus guess you got no look with females
Cos when you hit girls from behind... Remember to ask for insurance details
Your talent fails, Same for your league, Cos it just wont last
And when I ask you to join my play.... It wont be the only time i put you in a cast
Get smacked fast, Its talent you lack, So get whored quick
Cos Ill beat you so bad... Ill make you resemble your soundclick
wack bitch, I know christmas brings miracles, But retsaz defeats
So it would be a miracle...If you ever souljah beats

Drop early?
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