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Old 12-20-05, 05:41 PM   #12
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Buck.Marley
Look at it from a black mans point of view...

Yeah, its aight y'all white kids listnin to hip hop, and even trynna take a hand in it yourself and pick up a mic....but just cause yall listen to hip hop and rhyme on a mic, why change your whole way of livin and try and immitate ours?

Who's to say that anybody changed their way of living? Ever since sixth grade I've worn clothes that have to do with hip hop. I didn't start rapping until I was in 8th grade. I didn't change my "whole way of life" to try and immitate yours. And by "yours" you're stereotyping all black people. I know black skaters, black rockers, etc. You're just proving to everybody that you're ignorant by classing a whole class of citizens together as one. So, I can already tell that you're whole arguement is going to be not only incorrect.. but flat out wrong.

Originally Posted by Buck.Marley
(I'm not sayin any one person on or offline is a ''wigger'' as such, and I'm not trynna say anythin about where people live or ny of that shit)
cause for real doesnt go as deep as the area you live, a area doesnt make a person, a person makes a person. ya get me? and fact of the matter is....not one white male/female would of been clothed, or brought up by there parents to wear the shit youd usually associate witta black man and speak like we do, the white kid gets older, and his taste in ''music'' develops, his whole attitude and out look on life changes, and they get too caught up in the whole ''rappers image''

Ok? So, a person makes a person. I made myself. Yeah, when I was kid I didn't listen to rap, hell, up until early sixth grade I didn't even know what rap was. However, soon after I figured out that I did like it, my "outlook" on life didn't change at all. Music didn't make me figure shit out. Talking to people, experiencing shit in my life, etc. helped me put together an "outlook" on life. You're just randomly shooting in the dark on how YOU think most white people got into rap music and hip hop. You don't know me. You don't know the stories behind any white guy here, so who are you to make statements like that? I never got "caught" up in the rapper's image. I liked the clothes, so I wore the fucking clothes. I would faking myself if I acted like I loved rock like a lot of white people do here when I really don't. I like a grand total of three bands; I like rap WAY more. I was being myself, but, being ignorant like you are, me wearing hip hop type of clothes and shit was me trying to be something I'm not. You're a fucking idiot.

Originally Posted by Buck.Marely
do you understand where I'm comin from, yo?

I understand two things: 1. You're an idiot. 2. You're ignorant. Of course, you're going to reply suggesting that I don't know what I'm talking about for one reason or another. Then, you'll keep generalizing the whole African American race. Next after that, I'll laugh and so will everybody else because everybody knows that you're retarded and I called you on it.

Do YOU understand where I'm coming from.. yo?
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