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Old 12-20-05, 11:39 PM   #139
JRad's Avatar
Posts: 130
From: Over There

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
if a white person acts black, he's a wigger
if a white person acts like himself he's not

I don't get what you're saying.

Black and White people act completely different? Everyone is different, white people act different from other white people, same with blacks, same with race. You're basically saying white people have to dress preppy or something because other white people in the area might do that? What if 'acting himself' is what you would consider 'black' because all of his friends have and are black people?

I could understand if you say "acting black" was like being in a theatre and your acting a character named "Black" or "Black" was a type of emotion (Like blue) that you'd act. Otherwise, your either ignorant, or not making sense.
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