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Old 12-21-05, 01:19 AM   #149
Zone Out
Power Hungry
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Posts: 5,430
From: Westside Detroit

Originally Posted by Past Tense
lol...hahhah i dont do gun fights thats bitch shit....
just a couple of posts ago you were boastin about how you know white people that would pull out a gun faster than black people. lmao,

prooves ur scared havin too hide behind a barrell....
and I believe I said "fist fights or gun fights" Fist fights sometimes turn into gun fights. Like when I got jumped, the niggas that jumped me got "dealt with" Im not goin say anything incriminatin, but sometimes shit happens like that. Just know, when it DO happen, you will get dealt with.

lol and thats not my crew thats my crew is those peeps you seen me at the show and they got my back on w/e
oh, thats fucked up. you dont let your friends come to your show? and your friends dont have your back? WOW, thats some bitch shit. You got a seperate crew too, so I guess around your "friends" you act like a christian, but around your crew, you act like a "gangsta", huh? that would make sense yeah shut up and quit tryin too be an e-thug cuz u aint shot shit.....
lol, ok kid

u problay live in the suburbs somewhere
word, westside Detroit. one of the most peaceful places on the planet. Ask around, chump

and i dont know how u get out and fuck all these bitches i mean.....ur signed on RV 24/7 soo what u fuckin typin on rapverse while fuckin all these bitches???
Im signed on rv 24/7, huh? I dont go to school, I dont go to the store, I dont go over no hoes' house, or one of my boy's house. I stay in the house all day. Except today, when I didnt sign onto RV until like 12:00. oh, and 2 days ago, which was my birthday, I got off rv around 7:00 ish and didnt get back on until like 3:30 in the mornin, and etc etc. Now talkin about someone who be on here all the time is YOU!

i think that u just lookin up porn or somthing lol getta life bucko

yeah, I got a life, but it isnt being a full fledged christian by day, makin christian songs, talkin about, YOU CAN FIND ME IN THE CHURCH" and at night a rebel talkin about "FUCK YOU, Fuck the A & R's yall aint shit. suck my dick"
now do I?
I win, you lose.
And Im not gonna go back and fourth with you, cos you not built, you act like you somethin that you not.

Rap Extraordinaire

Originally Posted by strobe
If you do kegel excercises, you would be able to do something similar without having to hold your tip shut with your hand. After you've been doing them, hold off ejaculating as long as you can to really let the pressure build and then aim for your girlfriend's eye and let 'er rip.. You might get lucky and shoot her eye out. That's probably exaggerating it a bit, but it will still be hilarious
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