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Old 12-21-05, 03:16 PM   #16
Past Tense
On The Air - COMIN JAN 07
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Posts: 5,460

Voted For: Paranoid


Flow:Your flow is aight you really gotta work on it you'll get better at it as u start rapping more and more..and If i was you i would hold back on buying new equptment till you have decent flow and delivery cuz it'd be useless too have that mic with what ur workin with right now....:5/10

Pressense:Your pressense is aight for you just beginning somthing you also have too work on...cuz you sound like you are forcing it...but keep workin on it...5.7/10

Emotion:You actually have decent emotion just it wont play a role on ur audio untill you get ur flow and pressense down better it'll all happen over time:6/10

Lyrics:Your lyrics are good of course you came outta being straight text so of course your gonna have good lyrics:8/10

Overall:Overall this was a not so good gotta work on your flow and what not fam...cuz it really didn't come on that great:5.7/10


Flow:you have a better flow then rev no doubt BUT you dont have it polished yet but over time it will get better overall it was just decent:6/10

Pressense:Your pressene was alright.....nothin too special too laid back type of style for i wasn't really feelin it on this u need too boost this too get peoples attention cuz even most mellow rappers normally have a good pressense that can attract listeners keep tryin tho:5/10

Emotion:your emotion is ur biggest weakness fam....this is wat u lack on every song and u wont be able 2 get people attention till you really start boosting this right here....keep tryin tho...:5/10

Lyrics:Your lyrics are alright overall there not good but there not great..overall they were just decent:7/10

Overall:YOU DID drop better then rev.....u made it up with ur flow.....if u didn't have any flow Rev woulda taken this battle...but overall u did do better:6/10


my vote goes too Paranoid