Thread: Quiet Thunder
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Old 12-22-05, 08:54 AM   #1
Black Poet
Posts: 1,474
From: London
Quiet Thunder


Captured from our surroundings, shots sounding
Ear drums pounding, all around people are crowing
Rounded us up like vermin, homes start burning
Blackened smoke billowing, deaths smell churning

Darkness falls suddenly, only light is the moon lit sky
Black hair brown eyes, hearing family member's cry
Left looking for answers, but only hate protrudes
Everything else eludes reason, why'd they intrude
I see the mental stain, but it's our religion we retain
Forced onto a train, cloud pouring rain, cry I refrain

We were taken to a secluded camp up in the mountains
That smell! why is crimson flowing from the fountains
This eerie feeling overwhelms me, I can't explain why
It's like an uncontrollable feeling that were all going to die

All around me I see emptiness, everyone's face looks bleak
I'm separated from my family, tears cascaded off my cheek
I'm finding it hard to speak your memory I will always keep
Now I'm seeing dead people being thrown in a mass heap

I walk in hast wanting to know what is going on in this camp
I find myself by a building that's walls are covered in damp
suddenly this quite thunder rumbles, inside I hear mumbles
People stumble, chocking, screaming, & then I take a tumble

I awake, for a moment I though this whole thing was a dream
Thing's wasn't quite what they seem, but then I heard a scream
I ran back to the camp, to find all the other prisoners in a line
I should have taken it as a sign, but I guess my mind was blind

The line headed back to that building, the place I had once been
I haven't forgotten the voices or all the bodies I had once seen
I stepped into some kind of chamber, the walls covered in scars
Makes left by human fingernails all the windows sealed with bars

Silence swept the room, quite thunder sounding from the pipes
My Lungs full of toxins because we had different religious types
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