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Old 12-23-05, 05:08 PM   #136
New to RV
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Posts: 18
From: DH, mich.

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher
I'm not considered elite on RB, at least I don't think so.
But I am considered one of the better heads on there.

The reason that people from RV originally aren't elite on RB is because RB heads shit on RV heads purely for the fact that they came from RV.
The first time I went on RB, I blatantly said I was from RV and then about 60% of the site felt like it was necessary to shit on me for that reason. Then I rejoined the site under a new name, didn't tell anyone where I came from and worked my way up. I know perfectly well though if I came out and revealed who I was on there people would hate on me for it, so fuck it. I operate under a hidden identity, but I rarely battle on there anymore.

But in all honesty, RB has more skill level wise because it is a bigger site. It does have a more wider range of real dope text heads than RV does. The way I work that is because I can name about 5 people on RV who could beat me. Whereas on RB, I can name about 20 people off the top of my head.

&it's not like it's hidden that the talent on RB is higher, even here you guys know.

KORV seed #5
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