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Old 12-23-05, 06:38 PM   #15
Apo Kold
Posts: 127
From: France

Originally Posted by Appocolyptik
^Fucking HELL you're ugly.

My qualities a dope, improvements? No need to try it
But I ever did wanna be well rounded... I'd just have to follow your diet
You'd eat the fridge, it's a suprise you're even allowed a home
And fuck an audience... your STOMACH could fill a crowd alone
Yeah theres the secret service, the CIA can be fucking grim
But if they're in need of a new mole... they could recruit the one on your chin
Lmao at your christian rap, your audios are nonsense
Cause Jesus died 2000 years ago... just like your concepts
No need to battle you, starving u would defeat you quickest
You're so fat when you go to the cinema... they give you a family admisison ticket

To even THINK you had a chance here, you'd fuckin have to pretend hard
Cause even if you did run away with the votes...
...your fatass'd collapse after 10 yards

nice verse in general. I werent feeling the one in bold^, aside from that, fukkin solid verse.

PT. Honest & tried your best which is cool.

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