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Old 12-26-05, 01:43 AM   #91
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Alright, I'm glad we could establish our grounds on racism. But, you are still wrong. The AIDs virus is not man made.

Your post in a previous page where you said that no trace of the AIDs virus has never been found in any animal is false. Big time. That statement is a load of bullshit and I think you have to know that, because you seem a little too smart to seriously say that. The chimpanze species almost went extinct to the AIDs virus. It started out there were a lot of chimpanze's, the viruses started wiping them out (almost to the point of extinction) but then they evolved. And, to answer your rhetorical question about how humans could have gotten a virus that "came out of nowhere" (even though it was already present in champanze's).. noboday can trace the beginning of AIDs to any specific event or time. But, considering that animals like some monkeys, some birds, etc. have extremely similar DNA to human's, in places like Asia, Africa, etc. where humans are in close proximitiy's to animals, the possibility of a transfer of the virus is greatly probably (WAY more so then the government trying to knock off the poor people).

But, to further smash that arguement to a ground, tell me how ANYBODY made a virus. I may buy off to that bullshit if you tell me that. A virus. What, was their a puddle of piss on the ground and somebody stuck a metal rod in it and BOOM. Virus time. You can't make viruses because viruses ARE LIVING ORGANISMS (I'll explain later for you "AP Biology" students and people who think quoting the dictionary = godliness). Name one living organism that has been solely created by man. I'm not talking clones of rats or any of that shit. One thing that man has made from scratch. That man has brought into this earth from nothing. It's NEVER HAPPENED. People can't just make viruses. That's bullshit.

Now, on to the people in here who talk about "Oh, well.. viruses aren't living organisms!" What the fuck are they then? Why does your body raise its temperature when you're sick? Because heat kills some viruses. Your body does its best to kill viruses when you're sick. Can you kill something that was never alive in the first place? No fucking way. And, if viruses weren't alive WHY THE FUCK do they have DNA? If AIDs was just like a miniture rock or some shit, with no purpose on this world then to just be here, no movement, no.. nothing, then how does it self replicate? How does something that's not living EVEN HAVE DNA? Answer that. The AIDs virus has small strands of DNA, way smaller then that of ours, but DNA nonetheless. How does something that's dead self replicate itself? How does something that's dead mutate to stay alive? The AIDs virus is very much alive, so you can take the bullshit you were forced to memorize in school and take it right out of this thread because it's wrong.

The difference between AIDs and viruses like E. boli, is E. boli kill its host before it has time to spread. AIDs takes around 10 years to kill the person who it's in. And, on top of that, the fact that the AIDs virus is spread through the one thing that is needed for society to continue, makes it unique again. As far as I can tell at this point in time, the only way the AIDs virus is ever going to die out is by quaranteening those who have it. Of course, liberal punks will never agree to that, but considering that AIDs spreads A LOT through sex, I don't really see another way.

Regardless, Apexx, you are wrong. The AIDs virus is not man made. The AIDs virus was present in animals before humans had it.

And, to everybody else, the AIDs virus is alive. The next person to quote a dictionary is going to get owned. Tell me how the fuck the AIDs is not a living organism, not quote a dictionary and act like that proves shit.
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