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Old 12-26-05, 02:49 AM   #94
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Alright, I'm glad we could establish our grounds on racism. But, you are still wrong. The AIDs virus is not man made.

Your post in a previous page where you said that no trace of the AIDs virus has never been found in any animal is false. Big time. That statement is a load of bullshit and I think you have to know that, because you seem a little too smart to seriously say that. The chimpanze species almost went extinct to the AIDs virus. It started out there were a lot of chimpanze's, the viruses started wiping them out (almost to the point of extinction) but then they evolved. And, to answer your rhetorical question about how humans could have gotten a virus that "came out of nowhere" (even though it was already present in champanze's).. noboday can trace the beginning of AIDs to any specific event or time. But, considering that animals like some monkeys, some birds, etc. have extremely similar DNA to human's, in places like Asia, Africa, etc. where humans are in close proximitiy's to animals, the possibility of a transfer of the virus is greatly probably (WAY more so then the government trying to knock off the poor people).

This is nice, but by definition, AIDS can not infect anything other than a human being, so it's impossible to ever find AIDS in any other animal period. You buy into the hype, but here's the commentary on the topic form the doctors that first chronicled SRV-1, what you call AIDS in primates:

Although SRV-1 triggers an AIDS-like disease, researchers were disappointed to learn that the simian virus was unexpectedly different—structurally and genetically—from HIV. Therefore, scientists at the New England RPRC decided to systematically search for HIV-like viruses (lentiviruses) in their primate colonies. They eventually isolated the virus now known as the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from several species.
Call it whta ever you want, but the human version of AIDS is worlds apart from the primate version AND from SRV-1. Don't believe the hype. they want you to believe they got all this research done on fuckin monkey, fuck monkey. They're different from we are, different virus, different genetics, and completely different vaccines.

But, to further smash that arguement to a ground, tell me how ANYBODY made a virus. I may buy off to that bullshit if you tell me that. A virus. What, was their a puddle of piss on the ground and somebody stuck a metal rod in it and BOOM. Virus time. You can't make viruses because viruses ARE LIVING ORGANISMS (I'll explain later for you "AP Biology" students and people who think quoting the dictionary = godliness). Name one living organism that has been solely created by man. I'm not talking clones of rats or any of that shit. One thing that man has made from scratch. That man has brought into this earth from nothing. It's NEVER HAPPENED. People can't just make viruses. That's bullshit.

What do you mean, people cna't make Virii? People mixed genetics from things all the time. Monks first started it with simple plants, now a days, people do it with dogs, cats, fish, even their own children. Who said AIDS is made from scratch? Humanity brought Killer Bees into existance and they NEVER existed as a breed before that AT ALL. So what's so different and hard to believe about a virus? The government has access to technology that we won't know about for decades, and if you feel otherwise, then you must not believe in things we know are real, like the military who uses advanced technology that we won't see for years, the FBI and their probing and listening devices like your boy george Bush used to record random conversations in all 50 states after "9/11" ILLEGALLY!! You really don't think they have the technology and the power to implement a disease at will???

Also, notice this: you ever see a picture of an AIDS cell? You can go in any book and see pictures of any other type of virus cell, chicken pox, the flu, any of em. Not one electron microscope pic of an AIDS cell EVER. There's pictures of the effects AIDS has on cells, on nerves, pictures of an HIV cell, etx, but not one actual electron microscope pic of an AIDS cell. Why? It's all computer simulated models and shit like that. People only detect "AIDS" by looking at the things that it causes like any bone deficiencies and whta not, never once catch AIDS in the blood stream or anything. As a matter of fact, there's evidence that points to the fact that people who thought they had AIDS went ot get tested and didn't show signs of AIDS till AFTER they got tested. They get a medicine called AZT and AZT is made from a chemical that's extremely harmful to human beings (just like "chemotherapy" (aka radiation sessions) is) and actually quickened their desent of a virus that they initally showed no signs of TILL they went to get checked. And there's a lot more Mimesis, but I guess you don't know about the Smallpox vaccine in africa, but we'll discuss it and you'll learn something about your government that you never knew before. Gotta see how you find a way to blind your self from that one, lol.

Regardless, Apexx, you are wrong. The AIDs virus is not man made. The AIDs virus was present in animals before humans had it.

False. Already proved how, but watch this...did you know that between 1966 and 1977, Smallpox was the massive threat on the continent of africa? Between those 10 years, over 24 MILLION africans recieved inoculations for small pox. 15,000 Hatian emmployees were also given the same innoculation. Do you know where the first massive outbreaks of AIDS are reported? Africa and Hati. The train for the small pox innoculations then went to south America. Do you know what the next continent was that reported AIDS outbreaks? South America. At the end of it all, over 240,000,000 vacciens were handed out. Every continent it was delivered on reported an AIDS outbreak. The group that administered the vaccines (even though getting word that AIDS is following in the wake of their so called "vaccination" delivery) is none other than the W.H.O. World Health Organization. Same group that aproves or denies ANY vaccine or ANY injection you've ever gotten in your arm anywhere INCLUDING any possible narcotics. All coincidence right? Right. I hope you're a juror if I ever get any case for multiple murders, because you'd never see a connection with those either.

There's so much more instance that show that AIDS is no where near the virus that you're led and FACTS (not speculation about someone fucking a monkey)that show that AIDS has been engineered and executed at pinpoint times and locations all over the world that it'll make your head spin.

And, to everybody else, the AIDs virus is alive. The next person to quote a dictionary is going to get owned. Tell me how the fuck the AIDs is not a living organism, not quote a dictionary and act like that proves shit.

Are you relaly trying to say that the Dictionary means nothing? Think about what you're really saying here man.

BTW, read this, thne tell me all this medical documentation is all innacurate and all lying.:

THERE'S NOT EVEN ANY PROOF THAT HIV CAUSES AIDS!! there's so much more mimesis.

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