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Old 12-26-05, 06:04 PM   #97
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Here's my problem with the conspiracy "theory" that AIDS was manufactured. Scientists are taught to accept the most logical explanation in any given situation. This is done through logical deductive reasoning. So, ask yourself. Which makes more sense, that AIDS is a naturally occuring virus that's found in nature, or that there's a WORLDWIDE conspiracy to cover the fact that it was manufactured to kill certain groups of people? As a person who has science training, I'm inclined to believe the former. Let's say AIDS was originally created to kill certain people, that certainly doesn't limit other scientists around the world from creating a vaccine or a cure. The fact of the matter is this. The science involved with creating a vaccine for AIDS is extremely difficult. You have to understand the nature of how a virus is structured and invades the body to understand that. And, I'm not getting into it here. I've had years of education on micro biology and molecular biology. So, it would not benefit the discussion for me to go into specifics. All I can say is, there will be a vaccine for AIDS before there is a cure. Realize that.

If anyone wants to go toe to toe on this issue, I'll be more than willing to oblige.
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