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Old 12-26-05, 06:36 PM   #101
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Apexx
Hey, just as a heads up, there's already at least 2 known cures for HIV and AIDS. One is all natural, CrocodylusPorusus, and the other has been in production and patented ages ago (Patent Number 5,676,977) called Tetrasil/Imusil. Of course, obtaining either of these is now illegal if not highly improbable, but feel free to look into it.

I'm gonna be real with everyone here, I'm waiting for mimesis to evnetually come around to the realization that AIDS is man-made, but what no one's gonna mention is that AIDS isn't an esaily communcable disease. Anyone anywhere can develop AIDS as a disease. It because an automatic function of multiple strains and stresses on your immune system and your body goes into canibal mode since it's white blood cells (t-cells) are ravaging the body it self. There is no AIDS cell. Strains on your immune system predisposes you to AIDS. Not having sex with someone who may or may not have it. AIDS is not a death sentence. HIV is not an AIDS sentence. You can catch aids from simply touching a surface that has the AIDS virus smeared on it and any human being with AIDS will be excreting it on every inch of their being at every moment of the day. You may catch it, revcieve it, hold it, and not come down with it. They say if you do things like say..have the FLU, inject herron, low iron, and alergic reaction, you'll be weakened to the point where your body will naturally unlock AIDS upon it self due to the protiens found in vaccines that we all got when we were too young to remember. I hope you don't believe me, so I have a good reason to show you. Or better still, you can go to google and see your self. Google for "AIDS oxidative Stress" or "AIDS multi factoral" and you'll turn up lots of FACTS not speclation or guesses. Conditions that have been proven to spawn AIDS on its own.

BTW, the Virus' real name isn't AIDS. It's Mycoplasma Visna. Once you understnad why it's name that, you'll understnad how it REALLY works and wht it REALLY does.

Dig deeper.

I'm not going to disrespect you and say you're wrong. I've just been taught differently. You make some very, very valid points. And, what you say about the immune system is quite possible. I'm saying that based on my formal training in biology. However, part of what you're saying is almost dangerous because it's suggesting that certain AIDS-related symptoms are predicated by "stress" or even psycho-somatic thought/behavior. I have a problem with that. As a person who is logically minded, I have to consider the possibility that AIDS is a virus that may exist in nature. That's a possibility. My research was never on viruses, but DNA. So, I can't say I've ever seen the AIDS virus or experimented on it. I do know this. Viruses CAN BE man made. They are basically computer programs in their simplicity. However, viruses need hosts, some more than others to survive. The AIDS viruses can not live outside a host for an extended amount of time. That's what I've been taught. Now, it's possible that that's a lie. However, as a logically thinking person, it makes more sense to ACCEPT THAT than to form another conjecture if evidence doesn't clearly corroborate it. I have my own personal theory that mosquitoes in fact can carry the AIDS virus. But, think about the world wide panic that would cause if that little "fact" came to light.

Good points you make. They are quite possible, scientifically speaking from what I've been taught and studied over the years. My problem is suggesting the US government is that damn smart. Actually, the US government has nothing to do with scientists around the world from what I know.

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