Thread: PLL mag=Week 13
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Old 12-27-05, 12:24 PM   #3
Coming to Kill you All
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Finished Recap

17. Apotropaic vs. 18. Narc-Uzi
custom title is wack, cant be handed the win because this dudes a cutter
and narc uzi may be a general, but its only because he resembles Custer
Homo Let Go Of That Flow Cuz Every Body Know Your Ass is Gentle
Im Mental and Ill Hit Apotropaic with an AK 47 like Andrei Kirelenko

Ight.Narc uze came a gore line.Bassically a threat.And it didn't rhyme.Cause if I'm correct,Kirelenko is pronounced..KER-EL-N-CO.Which doesnt' rhyme with gentle.Not at all.And apotropiac did something he rarely does.He doesn't drop a namplay.LoL.He played off the general user title on narc-uzi.It's been done before.But completely different from the way Apotropiac did.There were only 3 votes in this battle..ALL went to Apo.


19. Aimez vs. 20. GreatnesS
Girls Always Giving You The Hand Bcuz they Know You Cant Handle The Twat
When Im finish, The Greatness, will Have a unexpected Twist Like Story Plots
Greatness' got the edge, you're brainless & wack too
Although I corner heads, I guess your neck'll have to do

Aimez came with his usual stretched out shit.His lines are too long in my opinion.And his style is very similar to Narc-uzi's.Hmmm.And the twist wordplay has been done before.BUT,lucky for him.Greatness came with a threat.And the threat was meh,nothing special neither.No wordplay or anything.Just a basic,threat


21. Kon.Tay.Juz vs. 22. Spektikul
Check Spek's Avy!..I found similarity, On a serious note, Niggaz Laugh At ya..
He was stressin on this battle for Days,
.................So I called my Grandpa...Yep, He Was with Chappelle In Africa!..
Bitch dont smack my booty, or ill fuckin smack your health..
If you try...
Ill 'flip' you off and leave, then you can juz.tay.kon. yourself..

ooooooook.One sided battle here.Ussually,whenever I see someone uses a nameplay where they reverse the oppenent's turns out to be mad forced.But spektikul managed to do his one without forcing THAT MUCH.It was still a little forced though.I never heard anyone use a term saying "Steak on yourself"......And Kon.Tay.Juz....I really don't know what he was thinking with that punch.Bassically,when your explanation for a punch is longer than the punch itself,then you've forced your shit.And it shouldn't be used at all.


23. E.C vs. 24. Dizzee Rascal
your a dumb kid, this posh prick loves to kiss verbs.......
but it's just such a cotastrophy, not meaning ya skil....
...just seein you missusing ya big words,
desperation when my fists up ur nasal so here's how it goes
like mummification ill pull out your brain through your nose

Dizzie came with a boring ass bar.Bassically another one of them threats.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Anyways..E.C forced his rhyming.I mean,wtf is kiss verbs?And posh prick?Wtf is that?WHen did it become cool to call someone a posh prick?But his actualy punch was decent enough for him to win.He really didn' t need much to win this week.


25. Illict vs. 26. Hitokiri Butosai
You Can't Smite-This I'm An Unsigned Hypeness
Rockin A Thong Don't Mean You Contain-Tightness

WOW,a nice ol' played line from Hitokiri .
Anyways..he doesn't get the win for this.As mimesis said..
Originally Posted by Mimesis
Both records remain unchanged.

Illict didn't drop, and Hiokiri posted late. Instead of plowing through bullshit both of you are just staying the same.


27. Rile1 vs. 28. KOOL COL-B
people lie if they say ya aint wack, ya caynt rap n ya style sucks
but wen people think im wack, im not mad... im just rile'd up

I'm pretty sure Apotropiac used a rile'd up line a few weeks ago..but it doesn't matter.


29. Crazy Hades vs. 30. T.r.oo.P
It's like I'm drunk...the way I've got this little motherfucking hiccup.
I wouldn't call Troop and his state trash...cuz trash sometimes gets picked up.
God of War? Ya Topics are a Bore..I bet The Councils Proud
Waffles so Awfull
Hellen Keller ....gave your Audio and Text Two thumbs Down

Troop must have fallen off I guess.He used to be all right,but now he's dropping nothing but shit.That Hellen Keller thing was...blah.Crazy Hades came with a semi-played punch.I think it was Canibus who used a trash gets picked up line.It was on some song in Canibus 2000 B.C.Anyways..Crazy Hades wins.Only one vote in the battle,and it was for him.

Winner:Crazy Hades

31. Macca vs. 32. One Mic
i dunno bout y'all but i hate-this-joke
you can't do well with just lyrics, so you try swaying-votes

Well,One Mic came good here.With a nice personal 'n shit..Too bad macca no-showed.

Winner:One Mic

33. Legend vs. 34. Apo Kold
I did have bad manners ..
.. politeness lessons I've been taking,
so no more do I need a shit ..
.. Rather I got a legend in the making!

The French guy wins by no-show.

WInner:Apo Kold

35. Venture vs. 36. Nick Fletcher
Nicks already hung and his skill is where?
he's reachin for the win but needs to chill cuz it isn't there.
Shit, I'm bored already...but I'll add a spark to the fighting..
..cuz I'm gonna add venture to my win tally to keep this shit exciting.

Really one-sided here.Nick Fletcher's punch was orignal and hard hitting.Venture's, was played and weak.It was really,really basic.What kinda diss is saying that someone's reachin for the win,but it isn't there?WTF is that?You people need to think about the lines your making more.

Winner:Nick Fletcher

37. Lunch Box KID vs. MoTiF

Motif wins by no-show


39. The Revelation vs. 40. Young Law
Pocket change? Man you the lint in the pocket, shut up lockjaw,
I'm chalkin up another win, like everyone else breaking the law.
You no girl getting bastard, sometimes i wonder if your gay
so pathetic even prostitutes pay yo uglass to go away

Ehh,neither one of them came really good in this battle.Revelation came pretty basic.Young Law's name used to be Law jr. and everyone used to use breakin' the law lines.But,Young law,in this battle..came wack.Esspeccially the first line.Unless you,yourself..are a faggot..then why the fuck would you wonder if someone is gay?I never wonder if another man is gay.And the prostitude shit was weak.


41. Haiku Sylabis vs. 42. MaRVOLOUSJay

MarvJ wins for checking in.


43. Common vs. 44. SlicKnife
I agree, fuck all that accomplishment shit - your still such a failure...
So when I say make a name for yourself.......dont make another alias

Slicknife came played.I remember battling leady and he used the same alias/make a name for yourself concept.


45. Ill Technique vs. 46. Elicer
I'll Bash You, No One Gives You Shit, They Look Past You
No Wonder Your Mom's Pissed......
.....Lost Her Virginity And 'Gave A Fuck' To Have You!
Should be a hate crime, how a homo dude is my target
Cause you done been in more mails than ads from supermarkets

Ok...ILL technique came wack.That wordplay just failed.And it failed misarably.IT sounded forced too.I don't think he should attempt "fuck" wordplays again in the future.And elicer came decent.Although relating mail with male is kinda elementary.As you could just peep a homophone dictionary to find that shit.Anyways,elicer wins for dropping decent.


47. Dex vs. 48. Garth Algar

Garth wins.

Winner:Garth Algar

49. Mystic Chaos vs. 50. Tie-D

Mystic chaos wins.

Winner:Mystic Chaos

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