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Old 12-29-05, 02:23 PM   #8
Daubs's Avatar
Posts: 10,604
From: Salford

Voted For: Nick Fletcher

it's sickening to tell the truth cuz iz dicks nick be hoppin in,
and fletcher talent only worth a penny,and he still can't copper win
Listen sun ur life revolves around this site..but u should still can it
Cuz No space for nick on the site and his need to planet

justice wordplay aint fresh no more, and you need to drop the itallics, makes you look herby as fuck.


People judge ya skills kid, the verdict is fuktheworld has had it.. watch me get the fuk out of here,
and demolish the entire fucking planet!!
Kid, I'm a have to kill ya, ya death has been pre-booked..
..ya see with fuktheworld alive, really the world is fucked.
I’m a cannibal today, watch me swallow this dude..
..and bitch you ain’t shit, until I digest my food.
I got this kid shook, he’s trembling with knockin’ knees..
..cuz I got him shakin’ in his boots………
………more than dude’s with parkinson’s disease.

fuk gotta lot of potential, nick took this though.
