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Old 01-01-06, 04:43 AM   #36
Rosa Parks
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Posts: 23

Originally Posted by Huey Newton
The Black Panther Party, which is a revolutionary group of black people, realizes that we have to have an identity. We have to realize our black heritage in order to give us strength to move on and progress. But as far as returning to the old African culture, it's unnecessary and it's not advantageous in many respects. We believe that culture itself will not liberate us. We're going to need some stronger stuff.

oh, well then we need to brainstorm. africa is being corrupted and destroyed as we speak because of the whites. the whites are putting in jails to try and hold us down. we need to rise up (hopefully through peace) and save all of us. were running out of time and with the government moving drugs into the ghetto i dont see how well be able to rally. we need to plan something out fast.
White man: Move to the back of the bus!
Me: No.
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