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Old 01-01-06, 04:45 AM   #38
Huey Newton
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Originally Posted by Rosa Parks
oh, well then we need to brainstorm. africa is being corrupted and destroyed as we speak because of the whites. the whites are putting in jails to try and hold us down. we need to rise up (hopefully through peace) and save all of us. were running out of time and with the government moving drugs into the ghetto i dont see how well be able to rally. we need to plan something out fast.

We are in the same situation here in America. Whenever we attack the system the first thing the administrators do is to send out their strongarm men. If it's a rent strike, because of the indecent housing we have, they will send out the police to throw the furniture out the window. They don't come themselves. They send their protectors. So to deal with the corrupt exploiter you are going to have to deal with his protector, which is the police who take orders from him. This is a must.
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