Thread: Death.
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Old 01-02-06, 11:59 AM   #29
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

I hate the concept of death because I know that if there is nothingness afterwards I feel no matter what legacy you make, you can't experience it so there really is no reason not to go on a killing spree because it wouldn't matter what you do. I'd love for there to be a form of consciousness after death, but there is always the fear that everyone goes to some horrible place like Hell and there is no Heaven or higher plain other than suffering, or else somehow when we get buried we are conscious and stare at the lids of our coffin for eternity even if our brain has shut down. Shit like that is annoying, thinking that you could be trapped in the confines of your body and unable to do anything but think for eternity.
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